Bell Peppers

Sweet peppers will last approximately 1-2 weeks in the refrigerator, but can also be frozen.

For best preservation of flavor and quality, store peppers in a plastic bag in the vegetable crisper of your refrigerator.

If you plan on freezing your peppers, slice or chop them up, place in a single layer on a cookie sheet and freeze; then promptly place the pieces in an airtight container or heavy-duty freezer bags for future use.


If storing yellow squash or zucchini in the refrigerator, do not wash the squash before storing.

They are best stored in a plastic bag that has had a few holes poked in it for airflow, and then placed in the vegetable crisper drawer. Zucchini stored this way will last approximately 1 week.

Acorn Squash

When planning on longer-term storage of most squash, curing the squash will be necessary. Curing simply means storing squash at a warm temperature with good air circulation for approximately 10-14 days to allow the excess water contained in the fruit to be depleted. If storing Acorn squash, curing will not be necessary.

Once cured, squash store best in cooler, dark environments, such as a shelf, cabinet or drawer in a pantry or closet. Wrap the individual squash in cloth or paper and ensure that they are not touching each other to prevent bruising. While in storage, check squash regularly for developing soft spots (if so, use soon) and turn them often.

Storage life will depend on the variety; Acorn Squash typically stores 4 weeks, Spaghetti Squash will store approximately 4-5 weeks and Butternut Squash approximately up to 6 months.


Eggplant is best eaten when fresh. When storing, keep at a cool room temperature and not in the refrigerator, which will last approximately 1-2 days.


Store onions in a cool, dark place that has good airflow, and do not removed dried skin.

You may also store onions in pantyhose as well. For this method, tie off the bottom of the pantyhose, place an onion in the sleeve and tie off the pantyhose again just above the onion. Repeat this for as many onions that can fit in one sleeve.

You may also freeze onions as well. For this method, chop the peeled onion into pieces and lay in a single layer on a cookie sheet and freeze. Once frozen, remove onion pieces from sheet and store in container or freezer bag.


Sort through bunches and remove any leaves that are aging or wilting. Once bad leaves have been discarded, wash in cold water and pat dry.

Store in the vegetable crisper drawer in refrigerator in either a perforated bag, or in between paper towels to allow for airflow. Storage life will be approximately 3-4 days.